August 23, 2013

Beach Life

Well it's been a looooong week at the beach and I'm totally ready to go home. We stayed at Sea Colony in Bethany Beach, it was right on the beach so it was perfect for the kids. Here are a couple of my favortie things from my time here :)

The best thing ever is having Candy Kitchen right across the street. 

Yes, that is Dylan opening the door. He thinks this is the most amazing place ever, I'm not gonna lie, I thought the same thing at his age :)
It's like a candy heaven. 

And for amazing seafood, go went to Tom and Terrys Seafood Market, they have everything seafood. We got a dozen crabs and for $45 they will steam, season and give you some brown paper for your table :) and they were big and delicious!

And on every Saturday they sell BBQ chicken and ribs at the fire station. They ran out of ribs by the time we got there, but the chicken was delicious. 
Those old guys know what they are doing ;) 

Now we have two more days to explore and play. I definitely want to go to the Dogfish Head Brewpub! So hopefully the kids will calm down long enough to go to an actual restaurant. Fingers crossed ;)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!


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August 19, 2013

Painting Shutters

Before I left for the beach I decided to paint my shutters. Luckily I only have four on the front of my house, so it wasn't too hard. 
Last year when we moved in everything was painted brown, super boring. So I decided to lighten it up. I started with the door and the door trim and now I did the shutters. 

Just the door painted- 

Then the door and trim-

Then with the shutters-

I think it looks a lot happier :)
And it cost less than $20! 

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far :)


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August 17, 2013

Beach Trip

Finally I've been waiting all summer to go to the beach! I mean, I can drive to the beach everyday, it's only an hour from my house. But being at the beach for 10 days its much better :)
So we got here last night, a four hour drive, but waking up here is worth it. 

This is the view from our condo. Beautiful! 
I can't wait to swim in the ocean and plan in the sand all week!! 
I was also in Philadelphia last week. The good old home away from home. Where strangers are friends and friends are family ;)

There is nothing better than having sleepovers with your girlfriends ;)

Now to have more fun at the beach with these crazy kids. Lol.

I think they are looking for Megaladon. Hahaha. Good luck with that, kids! 

Have a great weekend everyone!!


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August 9, 2013

I met Sabrina Soto!!!!

Happy Friday everyone!!! So yesterday was the first day of filming for the 'High Low Project' and I was suuuuuper nervous. I don't get nervous very often so that's saying a lot. Maybe I should of taken a shot of tequila before or something ;)
I was waiting for them to say 'action' and I thought my legs were going to collapse under me. No joke. 
It was super weird at first. You sit there talking to her and there is a camera two feet in front of your face. Oh and about 20 other people sitting around the room. But don't look at them or the camera. Hahaha. But after the power went out, twice, I felt much more comfortable. Sabrina was super sweet and nice. I totally want her to be my new bestfriend and drinking buddy ;) We could drink wine and she could give me design tips and I could make her cookies! It would be the perfect friendship. Ok maybe I went to far. Lol. 
it was a really fun day except that it rained when we were filming our entrance. Look for me using a $200 yellow umbrella!!! Crazy! Thankfully the wind didn't blow it away ;)
Oh and this was my outfit 

Dress from Anthropologie, but its sold out now :(
Necklace from Anthropologie
Shoes by JustFab
I only got this picture and its not very good. Sorry, I was nervous! 

Now I'm going to be working on my house for the next month until they start filming again. I will let everyone know when the episode will air but I don't think it will be till the fall. 

Have a great weekend :)


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August 7, 2013

Wanna buy a house? Anyone? Bueller... Bueller

That's riiiight!!! The famous house from the movie 'Farris Bueller's Day Off' is for sale! And I want it! Hahahaha. You know the house, remember the scene when the Ferrari drives out the window. Yea, that house. It's gorgeous. And it's only 1.5 Million!
Oh it's also outside Chicago. I've never even been to Chicago but this house is worth moving there for. Hahaha ;) 

I seriously love the style of this house. 

And I love that everything is the same. 

Look at those metal cabinets!!

Look at all that space for dancing!! 

Well if your interested in buying it the link is here.
And don't forget to invite me over ;)


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Album Art

Ok, so I might of strayed from my 'list' a little bit but it was for good reason.
Music and art. 
The two best things in the world! You know what they say...

I have a pretty decent record collection. It's not huge but the ones I have are good :) So I went to Ikea and bought some album frames. You can also get them from Amazon, Target, even Walmart.
I picked out my favorite albums and framed them. 


I also had some prints I bought off Etsy awhile back, when we were still living in Brooklyn, but I never framed them. So I got some frames for them too. 

I love them!!!
And looking at her shop again, I think I need more prints! 

Happy Monday


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August 6, 2013

Animal Wallpaper

Happy Tuesday y'all!! :)
Don't you just love it when your kids go to sleep late and wake up early?! There is nothing better..... Oh wait, sleep, sleep is better. So today I'm off to an early start on my list. 
Yesterday I finished hanging the wallpaper in the bathroom. So I can cross that off my list. Yay!!! 

It's so much fun!!

I also pulled up staples from the floor all day yesterday. Ugh

Not fun. But it had to be done so I can sand and stain the floors. So now I will start moving all the furniture into other rooms. 

I also painted my nails today!!! I going to be filmed for the HGTV show on Thursday, so I have to get pretty ;)

You like?! 

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